anytime anywhere

Protecting you

from harmful

5G emissions

Black cylindrical device with a green glowing portion and the logo of merlin on the front
Black cylindrical device with a green glowing portion and the logo of merlin on the front

personal defense

The 5G Defense

Emits 8Hz, (inaudible) in your personal space which supports

Minimal line icon of anxiety lines rotating around the shapeanimated icon with green circle and animated black lines

reduced anxiety

animated icon with green circle and animated black lines

reduced stress

animated icon with green circle and animated black lines

increased focus

animated icon with green circle and animated black lines

increased relaxation

animated icon with green circle and animated black lines

promotes positivity

animated icon with green circle and animated black lines

promotes creativity

animated icon with green circle and animated black lines

enhanced mood

radiation protection

Your Personal
Space Defender

Designed to effectively narrow the non-ionizing radiation bands that emit from 4G and now 5G Towers. (WI-FI) routers as well as Bluetooth and similar wireless systems give off electromagnetic radiation in the low-gigahertz frequency.

learn more
3D cutout rendering of a small apartment living room with red radial lines emitting from 2 electronic sources and a sphere of protection represented by green orb emitting from a small black product

Key Features

Black cylindrical device with a green glowing portion and the logo of merlin on the front

Mobile & Lightweight

Merlin weights 1.0 lbs. and can also operate with a 9 volt battery, making it the perfect on-the-go defense against EMF.

Reduces 4G & 5G Emissions

Merlin reduces 4G and 5G emissions in a protective field that spans up to 7 meters (around 29 feet).

Simple to use

Using Merlin is simple: press and hold the ON button for 1.5 seconds to power it on or off.

Up close image of a merlin 5g protector.
safe protection

Simple Solution

The Merlin 5G defense reduces non-ionizing radiation from your personal space by dual dipole antennas.


In electromagnetism, there are two kinds of dipoles. Dipole deals with the separation of positive and negative charges found in any electromagnetic system. These dual antennas produce electric charges of equal magnitude, thus reducing harmful emissions.

Our software

The software of the 5G Defense Tower is considered proprietary information, but it’s a science you can understand. Every living organism has bioenergy, and most are receptive to low external non-ionizing radiation. Our technology operates in the frequency range to narrow the non-ionizing radiation frequencies that can cause harm to your body’s immune system, within your personal space.

Man looking out airplane passenger window with the 5G Defense next to his right arm
The 5G Defense in the middle of a work table with 2 women sitting with laptops
A woman opening a drawer within a RV kitchen with the 5G Defense on the countertop
A man peacefully sleeping with 5G Defense behind a clock reading 7am.

Support the body’s energy patterns

Tingling skin
body aches
flu-like symptoms
Tingling skin
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